The philosophy of exercise is conveyed from early morning, with group Nordic walk sessions, walking on the beach towards the lighthouse, yoga, Pilates, and water aerobics sessions. In the late afternoon, at about 6.00 p.m., there are regular stretching, meditation, and water aerobics classes.
Macrobiotic cuisine is the milestone of SHA Clinic’s recipe. They also give classes for guests with detox and light cuisine chefs, in order to introduce the concept of healthy and tasty food, changing your own lifestyle. Specifically, Macrobiotic cuisine principles help understand what to place in the dish and how to place it, considering food as a spiritual and psychological mean that nurtures body, spirit, and mind. The energetic perspective on food, beside the molecular one, opens the door to learning what food is more suitable for your own condition, the environment you live in, emotions and sensations that you are feeling, your lifestyle, according to the opposed and complementary forces of Yin and Yang, the five different natural elements, and season changes, with their five transformations.
This explains how powerful macrobiotic cuisine is to create wellness. The benefits of treatments and rituals experienced at SHA Spa can change the fate of the New Year and trigger a healthier and more positive attitude towards life. In particular, the wide range of treatments include targeted therapies for postural-skeletal, genetic, hormonal, ageing, aesthetic, nutrition, general health, insomnia, stress, and mastication disorders.
SHA’s mission is to enable guests to continue their beneficial purifying treatments at home. In order to do so, they sell a selection of teas: relax, energy, detox, digestion, bancha&quinoa, kukicha&rice, honeybush&carrot. Indulge yourself with few hours of treatments and detoxification, to learn how to live longer, healthy and with wellness. This is a good habit that you can acquire in 5-star Spas and apply to your everyday life.(Raphaella Dallarda – INSPATIMEBLOG)

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